Qorva Markets LTD is committed to the highest standards of compliance against money
laundering (AML) and anti-terrorist financing (CTF). The objective of the Companies Policy
against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing is to actively prevent the risks of these
matters. To help the government combat the financing of terrorism and money laundering
activities, the law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information
that identifies each person who opens an account. We have an obligation to report
suspicious client activity relevant to money laundering.
Money Laundering: The process of converting funds received from illegal activities (such as
fraud, corruption, terrorism, etc.) into other funds or investments that appear legitimate to
hide or distort the actual source of funds.
The money laundering process can be divided into three sequential stages:
Due to the company’s commitment to AML and KYC policies, each
company customer must complete a verification procedure. Before Qorva Markets LTD
initiates any cooperation with the client, the company ensures that satisfactory evidence is
presented or other measures are taken that produce satisfactory proof of the identity of any
client or counterparty. The company also applies increased scrutiny to clients, who are
residents of other countries, identified by credible sources as countries, who have
inadequate AML standards or who may pose a high risk of crime and corruption and
beneficial owners who reside in and whose funds are sourced from named countries.
Individual clients.
During the registration process, each client provides personal information, specifically: full
name; birthdate; country of origin; and full residential address. The following documents are
required to verify personal information: A client submits the following documents (in case the
documents are written in non-Latin characters: to avoid delays in the verification process, it
is necessary to provide a notarized translation of the document in English ) due to KYC
requirements and to confirm the indicated information: